We aim to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus all over the country; Coronaviruses on surfaces and objects naturally die within hours to days, though studies reveal that COVID-19 can linger on some surfaces for up to seven days. Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunlight may reduce the time the virus survives on surfaces and objects; summertime doesn’t seem to be slowing the spread of the virus.
Determine your high-touch surfaces.
In our homes and offices, there are multiple places touched by different peoples.
Here are some surfaces frequently touched by multiple people, such as:
Door handles, Desks, Keyboards, and computer mice, Phones, Light switches, Tables, Countertops, Toilets, Faucets, and sinks, Remote controls
Clean. Cleaning and disinfecting are both critical steps. Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. Although cleaning doesn’t kill germs, normal routine cleaning with soap and water will decrease what proportion of the virus is on surfaces and objects.
Repeat! High-touch surfaces in homes and offices should be cleaned and disinfected a minimum of daily. More frequent cleaning and disinfection could also be needed to support your family’s level of use.
In addition to regular cleaning and disinfecting, remember to follow all the recommended safety precautions to guard you
• Practicing social distancing staying 6 feet far away from others.
• Wearing face covering at work or when in touch with others outside of the house
• Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
• Staying home when sick
Following proper prevention hygiene, like washing your hands frequently and using alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available
Other tips: The one that is self-isolating or showing signs of illness should have their trash receptacle. Anyone who disposes of the trash bags should wear disposable gloves while doing so.
• Even if you wear gloves while touching surfaces that are contaminated, you’ll still be in peril if you don’t take removing them properly. Use your fingers, on one hand, to tug the opposite glove down your hand, grabbing the plastic near your wrist.
• Remember pet fur could host droplets from coronavirus. Wash your hands after touching your pets if somebody else suspected to possess coronavirus touches them.
• Disinfect the within of your vacuum by emptying the canister and wiping the within walls with a disinfectant-soaked cloth
What are Disinfection Technologies?
Many people ask, “What is Disinfection Technologies?” it’s a way for cleaning infectious materials like biological and chemical agents. Before the invention of disinfection, people won’t wonder if they were. Today, there are many various ways to disinfect surfaces, and most of them are extremely effective.
• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is today one of the foremost common methods for disinfection. When UV-light penetrates the cell membrane of an organism, it destroys the cell’s ability to breed; the cell’s genetic material (DNA and RNA) is inactivated.
• AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) is one of the foremost powerful disinfection methods available today. AOP uses the strong oxidation capabilities of OH-radicals to inactivate and degrade microorganisms to non-hazardous and inorganic substances.
• Silver and copper ionization: The disinfection effect of silver- and copper ions have been known since the past and is widely used everywhere on the planet. The silver and copper ions penetrate the bacteria’s cell membrane hence the bacteria burst and die.