HEMP TREE by Anastasia Harris and Sharvon Samuels was established to discover and offer CBD remedies as alternatives to pharmaceutical prescriptions to alleviate minor symptoms and provide wellness

Many consider full-spectrum CBD to be the most effective type of CBD, as it contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids and other beneficial compounds found in the plant that help promote what is known as the entourage effect, which boost the effectiveness of CBD in the body. One of such studies was undertaken by Antastasia Harris who experienced several breakthroughs using CBD products to help her patients. Intrigued by her findings and the results she was getting from the application of CBD products, Antastasia teamed up with Sharvon Samuels to establish a company based on discovering and offering CBD-based remedies.

Today, Anastasia Harris and Sharvon Samuels are pleased to introduce their company, HEMP TREE and the products they offer which would …