Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19

It has already been months since the coronavirus spread all over the world. Governments, medical practitioners, and other organizations have been trying to update and inform the public about the virus. But some people are still confused, especially since plenty of myths and misconceptions about COVID-19 are circulating on the internet. To help clarify things, let’s take a look at some of the most asked questions about the coronavirus:

  • What COVID-19 Tests Are Available in a Clinical or Medical Laboratory?

As of today, there are two different types of tests available—diagnostic and antibody. Diagnostic tests such as molecular and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) can determine if a person currently has COVID-19. Meanwhile, an antibody test can’t show if a person has an active coronavirus infection, but it can determine if an individual has had the virus.

  • How Accurate Are the Results of COVID-19