What to Do and Expect Before, During, and After a Pap Smear

Turning 21 can be an exciting milestone. But, it also entails some responsibility and more care for one’s health. For women, turning 21 means scheduling their first pap smear test. The purpose of this procedure is to look for abnormal cells in the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer. Early detection significantly helps in preventing the cells from fully developing.

Although it’s an important procedure that should be done regularly, a lot of women are afraid of going to a pap smear clinic to undergo the test. But, being well prepared and informed about the procedure might help ease the mind. So, here are the things you need to do and should expect before, during, and after a pap test:

Before the Procedure

The first thing you should do is to schedule your appointment. It’s important that you don’t take the pap test when on your period or expecting to have your period. If by any chance, your menstruation …