What are hemorrhoids?
Haemorrhoids, often known as piles, are swollen areas of the rectum and anus that contain enlarged blood vessels. In the anal canal, haemorrhoids are vascular formations. They are cushions that help with stool control in their natural state. When they swell or become irritated, they become pathological or piles. Hemorrhoidal disease is the medical term for this condition at this point. They’re most frequent in people aged 45 to 65, while men are more likely than women to get them.
Types of hemorrhpids:
They are classified as “internal” or “external” depending on where they are in relation to the pectinate line, which divides the upper 2/3 and lower 1/3 of the anus. Internal hemorrhoids are found above the pectinate line and are lined with cells similar to those seen in the rest of the intestines. External haemorrhoids appear below the line and are covered in skin-like cells.
Pain and swelling in or around the rectum and anus, especially during faeces, are signs and symptoms of hemorrhoid. When a person eats a low-fiber diet and has smaller calibre stool, he or she strains to have a bowel movement, increasing blood vessel pressure. Symptomatic haemorrhoids are expected to affect at least half of the population at some point in their lives, with roughly 5% of the population experiencing symptoms at any given moment. Extrapolated Prevalence: 2,219,844 Estimated Population: 58,057,4772 The illness affects both sexes equally, with rates increasing between 45 and 65 years of age.
Treatment of hemorrhoid in Italy:
Flavonoids are regularly prescribed in Italy to treat hemorrhoidal illness. Several publications on this topic have been published in our nation, as evidenced by the most current Cochrane review, which found that eight of the twenty-four mentioned articles are Italian series. Furthermore, the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR) published guidelines in 2020, concluding that phlebotonics has a statistically significant effect on hemorrhoidal disease symptoms and recurrence.
Many flavonoid formulations are available in Italy, both as medications and supplements. As professionals, we usually prefer to prescribe medications to our patients since they can be controlled more precisely during production and marketing.
In Italy, a new drug’s safety, efficacy, and quality must all be assessed before it can be marketed, however a supplement’s safety and quality are only tested, not its efficacy.
Furthermore, the degree of rigour with which the controls are applied varies greatly between medications and supplements. Drugs are subjected to pre-marketing data analysis by a specialist commission as well as post-marketing studies on active particle concentrations. Furthermore, the pharmaceuticals are susceptible to the collection and reporting of side events during the post-marketing phase.
Foods to avoid with hemorrhoids:
Following foods avoid with hemorrhoids.
If you have chronic constipation, avoid foods with little or no fibre, such as cheese, chips, fast food ice cream, meat prepared foods, such as some frozen and snack foods, and processed foods, such as hot dogs and some microwaveable entrees. Prevention is better than cure. So, avoid these foods.