Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19
It has already been months since the coronavirus spread all over the world. Governments, medical practitioners, and other organizations have been trying to update and inform the public about the virus. But some people are still confused, especially since plenty of myths and misconceptions about COVID-19 are circulating on the internet. To help clarify things, let’s take a look at some of the most asked questions about the coronavirus:
- What COVID-19 Tests Are Available in a Clinical or Medical Laboratory?
As of today, there are two different types of tests available—diagnostic and antibody. Diagnostic tests such as molecular and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) can determine if a person currently has COVID-19. Meanwhile, an antibody test can’t show if a person has an active coronavirus infection, but it can determine if an individual has had the virus.
- How Accurate Are the Results of COVID-19 Tests?
According to experts, diagnostic tests like RT-PCR provide more accurate results compared to antigen or antibody examinations. Some medical practitioners even say that if RT-PCR tests are done correctly, the result will be almost 100 percent accurate. However, false positive and negative results are still possible, especially when the patient has a very low viral load or when there’s cross-contamination.
- If Someone Tested Positive in an Antibody Test, Does It Mean He or She Is Already Immune to COVID-19?
A medical laboratory uses an antibody test to detect if someone has developed antibodies to fight the virus. Some people may think that if they tested positive, they’d be immune to COVID-19. However, no studies support this claim. Researchers are still trying to understand how much antibodies are needed for protection and for how long the immunity will last.
- If a Person Recovers From COVID-19, Is He or She Already Safe From the Virus?
The answer is no. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on October 27 that cases of COVID-19 reinfections have already been reported. CDC is still trying to gather more information about these cases. Meanwhile, they have also advised the public to continue taking the steps for preventing infection, such as the wearing of face masks, washing or sanitizing hands, practicing social distancing, and avoiding crowds and confined spaces.
- What COVID-19 Vaccines Are FDA-Approved?
Since the start of the pandemic, the world has been trying to find and develop vaccines to fight the virus. Finally, on December 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to be distributed in the U.S.
On December 18, another EUA was issued by the U.S. FDA for Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. The Pfizer-BioNTech can be taken by individuals 16 years old and above, while Moderna is only for those 18 and above.
- Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?
According to the US FDA, out of the 43,448 participants in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine trial, not one safety concern has been identified. The CDC also said that those who have experienced severe reactions to other vaccines may still take Pfizer-BioNTech, as long as they discuss the risks with their doctors.
On December 15, the US FDA has also confirmed that Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is safe and effective based on the study conducted among more than 30,000 volunteers. However, the CDC warned that people who have allergic reactions to any components of the vaccine should not get vaccinated. They’ve also reported that people who take Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine may experience symptoms like headache, chills, tiredness, and pain or redness in the arm where the shot was given.
COVID-19 Testing Is Still Important
Though some vaccines were already approved by the FDA to be distributed in the US, their supply is currently limited. And even if there’s enough, they can only be given to people who don’t have allergic reactions to the ingredients and are 16 years old and above.
This means that other individuals, especially children, won’t get vaccinated. This is why COVID-19 testing is an essential tool in this fight against the virus. People should also keep on following the safety guidelines to ensure that they won’t get infected. Discover the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about COVID-19. In case you have more queries, reach out to your doctor to learn more
Discover the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about COVID-19. In case you have more queries, reach out to your doctor to learn more.